Thursday, September 8, 2011

India : Chaos of crimes

It’s been a long time since I wrote my thoughts out; maybe around 2 months back. There was this peculiar thought going on in my mind since last few months. There might be hardly anyone who hasn’t given a thought to this particular subject. If you can get it, I am pointing out to the current situation of our country India. This is a contented topic itself and I daresay I will try to cover all the points on fire presently.
The current population of India is above 1.2 Billion, out of which, more than half the score is secured by males over females. This obviously doesn’t happen easily. People in India try so much to keep the male : female ratio as high as possible. Of course, killing a female infant or fetus is not an easy job after all. Though I don’t understand the need behind this cruel act of theirs, I presume, they are quite afraid of what if there is no one to carry on their names! They fail to understand that though they had a right to give birth to an infant, they have no right to kill her, untouched by the selfishness and immorality. Those little infants, who don’t even know that they exist in this world of humans and animals, trees and flowers, mountains and rains, water and air; are killed so brutally, that the entire human breed will get ashamed of it. There is a mismatch between the number of males and females, which will cause a natural unbalance in years to come. Is there really a need of killing those sleeping beauties?
When talking about the male-female ratio, it struck to my mind “am I forgetting about the rape cases happening every other day in India???”. Rape .. one of the bold topics to discuss. A girl, following her routine, is stopped by passerby and is raped. I mean, it might not have occurred in her wild dreams, that she will be raped by an unknown/known person. Who gave this right to that inhumanly person to empty out his energy on someone weaker than him? Have we ever heard female raping males? Then who has made it a law, that males can rape females? In certain areas of India this has been a regular activity for the residents and their senses have gone numb now!
The reason behind these rape cases is not lack of education. This is an attribute of a person which if not directed correctly, takes an inhuman avatar of abuse. Certainly, education can help in this case. Our country is no more like it was 100 or 200 years ago. The number of schools and colleges is increased like anything, in last few years. Considering the population of India, it was needed. But are we getting the right education that we are supposed to be getting? Are the children watched and cared the way they are supposed to? Are the teachers aware of what exactly and how the subjects can be taught? I guess, here is where experience speaks. In years passed, at a small age also, we used to distinguish between intelligent and teaching-just-for-the-sake-of-it teachers. So, the question remains the same.. are the children LEARNING?
They say when you don’t get paid enough, the work that you do, automatically demotes. Now it’s a common talk among us all, how much corruption are we witnessing in India daily? Government offices, police stations, RTOs, hospitals are all defaulters, but I was amazed to see taking bribe to get ‘darshan’ in temples! People escaping off the actual amount of income tax they are supposed to pay, are in a way missing on their duties towards their nation. Of course, it’s not a secret now that our ministers assume that, the tax paid by citizens is ministers’ property. So why would people prompt themselves to pay taxes? Why wouldn’t they use the same money to improve their lifestyle?
It’s been 20 years since India’s sixth Prime Minister Mr. Rajiv Gandhi was killed in a planned suicidal bomb blast. One of them was Afzal Guru. Even after finding him guilty, our government is not able to hang him till death. A mad man called Ajmal Kasab, who fired bullets on people waiting for a local train to arrive, in Mumbai and was held later, is yet enjoying his luncheons and suppers in the jail. Our poor government and its rules are strong enough to keep him alive, till he completes jubilees of his age. Many murders’ and rapes’, and theft cases are pending in the high court’s as well as supreme courts for years. The accused and victims die while they wait for the verdict. Are laws and government authorities incapable to punish the guilty? Or are there some more important things going on in our country than our safety? As I am writing this, I got news just now, about the bomb blast in front of Delhi High Court. Though an alert was given to Delhi government, just because of carefree attitude of our government we faced another murder incident of some innocent people. Who is responsible for this?
Have you ever seen open air toilets? If not, just visit a railway tracks in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi. Slums in Mumbai are the worst thing in India. People from different states come in search of a job or business. Nobody wants to die of hunger, everybody wants to earn handsome amount of money no matter what. When their needs do not get satisfied in their native places, because of lack of employment and industries, they arrive in cities like Mumbai, Delhi, with their belongings including wife and children. And then no road or corner in the city is left unexplored. You would get lacs of such humans on the roads in the city, though I wonder whether they really should be called as humans, because the life they live is worse than stray dogs. Why this need of migration from native to unfamiliar state occurs in the first place? Why their own state government is not capable enough to create an employment for such people then and there itself? This huge population in cities does not care about the cleanliness, that’s the reason why they throw paper cups, wrappers, papers, plastic bags and such dust anywhere other than dustbin. I have seen thousands of people throwing things out of train and bus, spitting on the roads, asking their children to throw the garbage out of the moving vehicle. If children are subjected to this kind of tuition from their own parents and relatives, what a responsible citizen the child will become won’t he? People hear tales of beauty of foreign countries from others, and they forget the fact that, we can also make our country beautiful by keeping it clean and maintain some discipline.
The unemployment in small cities and villages lead some of the weak minded people to robbery. Every other day, we get news of theft in a jeweler’s shops, flats, offices and much more. I mean, a person is earning from a business and feeding his children, and somebody suddenly comes out of the blue and grabs the money and stuff, and just goes away? How the heart of the victim would feel after letting rot the garden that he had flourished with hard work? Chain snatching has become a daily activity of some minors who are facing problem of insufficient pocket money. Amazing, isn’t it?
Every nation has all types of personalities, weird, arrogant, selfish, innocent, leaders, firm, criminal and many more. But in spite of such things, many of them have progressed so dramatically and they are now known as Developed countries. Then what are we lacking in? Is it education, morality, leadership, money or anything else? It’s a high time for us to find out the answer of this question, or else the day is not so far, when we all will be either dead in a bomb  blast or killed for money, or dead in a long term disease. Don’t just say you are an Indian, but be one! Jai Hind Jai Bharat!